myoperam 7,20 !!!
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7,20 !!! Arioch  07/03/03 07:24 PM

Вышла "внутренняя" бэта Opera 7.20 beta 1. Кому очень интересно, или очень задрали баги 7.11 - велкам в ньюсы.

Пофиксено несколько глупых багов 7.11 - внесено несколько новых столь же глупых.
Через неделю ожидается выход 7.20 beta Linux и после нее публичной,
официальной 7.20 beta Win32

PS: бэта внтренняя, только для тех кому действительно нужно. Остальным просьба дождаться официального релиза - он будет надежнее и будет выложен на более производительном сервере.

Re: 7,20 !!! XXXL  07/03/03 08:09 PM

А вот и урлик для скачки

Но помните...Это только первая бета, значит полно багов и никаких гарантий стабильности. Если ставите, то только на свой стах и риск!

Re: 7,20 !!! Arioch  07/07/03 07:20 PM

Haavard K. Moen: additions to changelog

In addition to Espen's changelog, there are a few other changes that I
would like to mention, as they may be useful for you, or they need
more testing (marked with a * instead of -).

This is a list of current additions:

- Quick Google search: Type in your search terms in the Google search
box. Shortly after the last keypress, Opera will show the first search
results in a dropdown menu. Only works with Google.

- Open mail in new window by double-clicking it
- Opera can now print HTML e-mails
* Character encoding handling in e-mails and news is greatly improved
(testing needed!)
- You can force an encoding for e-mails and news via the View|Encoding
menu (for mails without Content-Type headers, i.e. mails sent from
Outlook Express)
- Mails and news postings saved to Drafts will retain encoding (not
always send as UTF-8)
- The Content-Transfer-Encoding is now sent when needed
* Better handling of attachment names containing international
characters (please test)
- Specified Content-type setting respected for replies to e-mails
without Content-Types
- Mail and news usernames and passwords are no longer forced to

New addition to the preferences dialog:
- Windows section: Open new page next to active - similar to
"grouping" of pages
- Windows: Smooth scrolling - as in MSIE
- Fonts: User interface fonts can be changed (this already exists in
7.11 for Linux)
- Page style: Cleanup
- Programs and paths: You can add "trusted" protocols (address types)
for Opera to forward to another application here (no support for
"protocol:address" (protocol without //) yet, but it is coming)
- Network/Proxy servers: Enable HTTP/1.1 for proxies
- Wand/cookie manager: Possible to delete domains

DOM support:
* Support for getComputedStyle (needs testing)
- Support for various HTMLFrameElement properties -
margin{Width,Height}, name, scrolling, src, noResize
- Support for various HTMLIFrameElement properties -
margin{Width,Height}, name, scrolling
- Support for document.activeElement

I have also created a thread in the MyOpera beta forum where I add
things as I remember them or they are brought to my attention:

<URL: _// >

This thread will always be updated, while I may post more changes to
this group if there is a significant number of important changes which
should be brought to the group's attention.

offtop? Arioch  07/07/03 07:25 PM

Кстати, сверху форума, вместо баннера торчит "); // --> - это глюк HTML или глюк O7.20 ?

Re: offtop? Arioch  07/08/03 06:03 PM

Еще дополнения к ChangeLog (оригинал в _//

> Few other things I've noticed...
> - Animated GIFs supported as background images
> - :first-letter and :first-line apply to inline-block, and support more
> properties
> - list-style-image position identical to IE/Gecko
> - background problem on Win9x fixed (background-image set, no-repeat,
> transparent color)
> - JavaScript somewhat supported in application/xhtml+xml pages

- M2 Toggle of Messagelist, Messagebody, List and Body via view-menu above
messagelist. Need to create shortcut...

The commands are:
Show list view
Show message view
Show split view

My new mouse gesture works great - Home

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