Opera ( X ) > Очередной > Windows build 8265
Lapomas 03/10/06 07:00 PM |
Windows build 8265 >
…and one more weekly!
By csant. Friday, 10. March 2006, 18:29:38browser, desktop, opera
It's Friday again - time for one more round of testing a snapshot of our internal development!
As usual, please read the Known Issues List first:
Cannot view e-mail attachments within Opera.
:hover pseudo-class is only recognised when hovering inline boxes within an element
(may cause Pure CSS Menus to fail).
Text may be misaligned on buttons.
Self closing (non-script) tags may break the layout.
Some pages may have unexpected linebreaks.
Ды, уж...
Fixed crasher on Flash.
Added experimental support for opening Web archives.
Improved display of content blocker toolbar.
Added keyboard shortcuts Cmd+[ and Cmd+] for back/forward on Mac.
Up/down arrows no longer select next/previous messages in e-mail and news views when the preview pane has focus.
Improved notification of invalid SSL certificates.
Upgrading will automatically disable 40 and 56 bit SSL/TLS ciphers.
Fixed float and inline box stacking order, as required by the Acid2 test.
Allowed mouse events to pass through clipped or overflowed (or otherwise transparent) regions of an element.
Added class contructors for CanvasGradient, CanvasPattern, and
Added support for HTMLTableElement.cells collection.
<xml> elements are no longer removed from the HTML DOM.
Improved handling of offsetTop, offsetLeft, and offsetParent.
Added support for Selection.removeAllRanges and Selection.addRange.
Интерес поугас
Re: Opera ( X ) > Очередной > Windows build 8265
Lapomas 03/11/06 09:49 AM |
Иконка для build 8265.(Просто, на базе "О", но информативная)
Сохранить рисунок Ic 8265.png (он в Опере не показывается - Просто окно с текстом, (у кого как..)
сменить расширение в сохранённом c .png на .ico.
Такие манипуляции > .ico не прикрепляется, и не паковал в .zip
Картинка пропискалась как 28889-Ic 8265 .png
Re: Opera ( X ) > Очередной > Windows build 8265
Karfax 03/11/06 06:39 PM |
В ответ на: Improved notification of invalid SSL certificates.
Теперь предупреждение о неправильном сертификате не вылазит (если его отключить)? Кто-то пробовал? Или я неправильно понял этот фикс.