myoperam Opera 7.52
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Opera 7.52 Boris  07/06/04 11:10 PM

Судя по структуре папок на сервере, Opera Software выложило _// пока тишина .

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ Lapomas  07/07/04 04:50 AM

Живая >>> _// Тишина..

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ kRuSHa  07/07/04 07:44 AM

перегрузка на основном ФТП


Re: Opera 7.52 +++ Faith_Healer  07/07/04 08:18 AM

да лежит, лежит он....

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ alter  07/07/04 08:25 AM

Mister Nobody уже нашёл ссылку на чейнджлог.

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ Mongoose  07/07/04 10:48 AM

В Мастерской готов русификатор, украинизатор и прочие нужности.

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ kRuSHa  07/07/04 10:50 AM

Opera 7.52 for Windows Changelog

Opera version 7.52 is now available for download.
Release Note

The file search.ini has been changed to ensure correct default addresses for dictionary and encyclopedia searches. Existing versions will be overwritten on upgrade. Users who have a customized search.ini file that they would like to keep, should edit its version number to 4 before upgrading. Note that you have to edit the search.ini file located in the /profile folder (Windows) or the /.opera folder (Linux).

File Version=4
Changes since Opera 7.51
Fixed a URI obfuscation weakness enabling impersonation of legitimate web sites. Illegal characters in addresses will be stripped. This addresses Security Focus Bugtraq ID #10517.
Solved frame injection vulnerability that allowed for spoofing (Secunia Advisory SA11978).
Solved certificate verification problem.
Changed search.ini to ensure correct default dictionary and encyclopedia searches. On how to protect customized files from being overwritten, see Release Note.
Changed main toolbar. Now includes options Open, Save, Print, Find, Home, Panels, Tile, and Cascade.
Various stability and rendering improvements.
"Show in" submenu for messages now has nested display of nested filters.
Corrected message reply behavior when View > Encoding is set to autodetect.
Fixed SSL renegotiation problem causing login trouble on certain secure sites.
Solved issue concerning JavaScript method "confirm()".
Various encoding-related improvements to accommodate Japanese language version.

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ Invisible  07/24/04 04:04 PM

Скажите плиз как сделать чтоб в опере page bar был не над строкой там где адресс и и кнопки , а под ними?

Re: Opera 7.52 +++ Lapomas  07/24/04 05:23 PM

Page bar Самый последний (нижний) в ряду всех баров.
Какие ты имешь ввиду строки.. адресс.. кнопки? Окон страниц? Они у тебя "приклеены" к окну Оперы?

Page bar можно поместить внизу окна Оперы > Правой мышей по бару >
Costumise toolbars > bootom. - Home

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